Paterson, Mary
Title: Independent Piano Teacher
Mary received her degree in Music Education from Denison University, Granville, Ohio. She then taught music in public and private schools while continuing piano studies at St. Andrews College and Barton College,. Raising her own children lead her to attend Suzuki Piano Institutes during summers as a mother and a student (certified through Level 5). Now teaching traditional lessons, she strongly embraces the philosophies: “every child can learn” and “nurture with love’.
Each year, Mary’s students are encouraged to participate in several group lessons as well as a variety of other programs: Halloween Recital, Holiday Playathon, Spring Recital, NCMTA Performance Festival, Federation, composer workshops, etc. Her ultimate goal is to cultivate and nurture a well-rounded musician who will enjoy a life-long love of music.
Availability: Not accepting new students
Title: Independent Piano Teacher
Mary received her degree in Music Education from Denison University, Granville, Ohio. She then taught music in public and private schools while continuing piano studies at St. Andrews College and Barton College,. Raising her own children lead her to attend Suzuki Piano Institutes during summers as a mother and a student (certified through Level 5). Now teaching traditional lessons, she strongly embraces the philosophies: “every child can learn” and “nurture with love’.
Each year, Mary’s students are encouraged to participate in several group lessons as well as a variety of other programs: Halloween Recital, Holiday Playathon, Spring Recital, NCMTA Performance Festival, Federation, composer workshops, etc. Her ultimate goal is to cultivate and nurture a well-rounded musician who will enjoy a life-long love of music.
Availability: Not accepting new students